RSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Health Education (RHE)
PSHE & Citizenship
The PSHE curriculum helps children develop confidence and responsibility, a healthy lifestyle, good relationships and to reflect upon spiritual and moral matters.
Citizenship helps children develop as members of the school and local communities and to be concerned with such issues as right, wrong, responsibilities, equality and difference. Our School Council and Eco Reps consist of elected pupil representatives from each year group. They meet regularly to organise actions to improve the school and its environment.
Curriculum overview PSHE 2023
Jigsaw Long Term Plan
Eatwell guide colour edition.pdf

Sex and Relationship education (SRE)
Sex and relationship education is part of our Personal, Social, Health, Economic and Citizenship curriculum. At Garway we provide a programme of education about human development, relationships, sexuality and family life. Pupils are taught SRE within the moral and values framework which already exists within the school.
Generally, SRE is taught through a range of experiences, including circle time, assembly and everyday classroom activity. It is not until Years 5 and 6 that potentially sensitive issues will be covered as a whole class activity. When children are in upper KS2, parents will be informed when SRE is being taught.
Throughout the programme, pupils will be encouraged to ask questions and these will be answered in an appropriate and relevant way according to the child’s age and development.