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Garway Primary School


Welcome to Garway Preschool. We are a thriving Pre-school providing care and education for children aged 2 years to rising 5 year olds.

 Our setting aims to:

  • provide high quality care and education for children below statutory school age;
  • work in partnership with parents to help children to learn and develop;
  • add to the life and well-being of the local community; and
  • offer children and their parents a service that promotes equality and values diversity.

 We are open from  Monday - Friday, 8 am - 3.30pm, offering 37.5 hours of pre-school per week.

 We are delighted to announce that the Primary School library, situated on-site, is open daily to all Preschool children with their parents between 3 - 3.30pm. 



Fees are £6.00 per hour.


Contact Us

 Garway Preschool, Garway School, Garway, Herefordshire. HR2 8RQ

Phone: 01600 750 273

Email: admin@garway.hereford.sch.uk



3 Year Old Funding

Every child is eligible for 15 hours of free child care, from the term following their third birthday.  Some may be eligible for a further 15 hours, and some parents may be able to get tax free childcare.  Follow this link for more information and to register for 30 hours funding and tax free childcare:   https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk

2 Year Old funding 

Children of working families may also be eligible for 2 year funding, and there is also the possibility of funding for families who receive some kind of income support. Please follow this link for more information: 2 year funding 


Booking Form for Garway Pre-school

Pre-school Sessional Care Policy 2024

Settling in and Key Person Policy 2024

STAY AND  PLAY AGREEMENT 2024                                                          
